hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all - emily dickinson

Sunday, March 27, 2011

music and lyrics

  To be able to express emotion lyrically and musically is, I think, an incredible gift. This afternoon I was listening to Brooke Fraser.  Her album, "Albertine" might be my favorite - with such thoughtful and reflective lyrics, I find myself copying down much of what she's written.

  Seeds is a beautiful picture of legacy and the importance it should hold in how we live our lives.  It touched me anew as I listened today and thought of my little niece who will be joining us in a few short months.  I've copied the lyrics below and linked the song above. Just listen a minute and think on the privilege (and responsibility) we're given in leaving a legacy behind for the next generation. I pray I still have many years left to live... but even if that's not the case I hope there's a semblance of One who is greater in my life and that His works and words shine more brightly than mine ever could.

  ...and to the little pink bundle in the oven... I have you in mind, sweet  one, as I strive to follow the Father's call and pray that you, too, will know Him as your own one day.

  with all my love,
    auntie becky

field of stars above us
you pick one
we frame it with
our fingers

seeds of every generation
between our hands
and the promise
to teach you the
little I have
so far

what will you live to do?
what have i left for you?
what will we leave behind?

learning as you're growing
not yet knowing
the world isn't
always quite as
as it is now

what will you live to do?
what have i left for you?
what will we leave behind?

field of stars above us
i pick one and
name it for you
and all who are to come...


  1. Beautiful. As I was reading this blog, I was moved to tears...I cannot wait for my little blessing to come into this world and for everyone to meet her :) You will be an amazing aunty....Now...just to figure out a way to get you hoooommmeeee ;) Love you, sis! xoxoxox
