hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all - emily dickinson

Monday, May 16, 2011

Firey Faith.

Hello again.
I know, it's been a while... but really, this blog is not about keeping an update on my daily life but more an outlet to share deeper thoughts and ideas - especially on faith as I stumble along.  Lately I've been thinking more about how selfish I am. And it's really easy to become that way when you live on your own and only have yourself (and a small cat) to worry about. Some of the things God has been teaching me lately though have to do with self-sacrifice and self-control and self-denying.  And at the end of the day, I do know that I want my life to matter to God. I want it to have meant something here on this earth and I want my heart to align with His. To burn with a firey passion for people, as His does. But it often seems like such a struggle and there are so many distractions.  And as I was thinking these things... I remembered another Brooke Fraser song called, "Love, Where Is Your Fire?" And of course I'm going to copy the lyrics below...

But first, have you ever considered that maybe we don't have to strive for a firey faith all on our own? And maybe the Lord wants us to ask him for a little help? He wants my heart to passionately burn for Him and the things he cares about, too. Because really, life is short and not about me. It's ultimately about the bigger story of how the great and Almighty God lowered himself to take on human form and flesh. He lived with us here on our fallen, decaying earth for the sole purpose of being with us, loving us, and telling us about the Only Way we could ever live freely and eternally with God - starting now and lasting even beyond physical death. He gave up every privilege. He gave up Heaven. He came to us because we could not go to Him on our own. So he created a way. Through His only Son. And if you know and believe this truth, then your life is about carrying out that message. That's what He left as our work to accomplish on this earth (matthew 28: 19-20). It's a "ministry of reconciliation" (2 corinthians 5:18) and it doesn't matter who you are or what you do. Living your life, each moment, with different people and in different circumstances, is all to point to that truth that you have been reconciled - brought back to a relationship with your Creator God, your debt paid.

When you think in those terms - selfishness seems kind of silly, doesn't it? But oh how often I need that reminder. And so... here is the song I wanted to share with you and the prayer that I am praying as my faithful God continues to work in my life and teach me about these plans he has for me, and the role He asks me to play in reconciling the world to Himself.  Because it is true that, one day at the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue confess He is Lord. I hope you believe and accept it deep in your heart.  Strive to follow hard after Jesus and embrace where He'll lead you in this world to fulfill his wonderful call of redeeming lost sheep to the Shepherd.

Brooke's lyrics about a firey love...

Love, where is your fire? I've been sitting here smoking away
making signals with sticks and odd ends and bits, but still there's no sign of a flame
Imposters have been passing, offering a good-feeling glow
but I'm holding out for what you are about - an inferno that burns to the bone
some urge me to be temperate, but lukewarm will never do

'Cos I, I wanna blaze with you
So I'm holding my heart out to you
Holding my heart out

So I stand, handing out torches
speaking words that are lamps to their feet
'Til the time when you come and I'm whole and we are one and the fire in me is complete
Some tell me to be moderate but lukewarm will never do

'Cos I, I know I'll blaze with you
So I'm holding my heart out to you
Holding my heart out

Then a doubt comes to lie at the back of my mind
That I'll offer you me and you'll politely decline
So I hasten to mute it, I'll shout and rebuke it.. away, away, away...

'Cos I, I know I'll blaze with you
So I'm holding my heart out to you, to you, to you
'Cos I, I know I'll blaze with you
So I'm holding my heart out to you
Holding my heart out...

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