hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all - emily dickinson

Sunday, August 14, 2011

Lola lately

Since this blog also includes Lola in its title, I figured I should give an update on the oh-so-stressful life of my cat... no longer kitten. (sad face) we celebrated a year together this June - she gave me lots of cat fur to clean up and I gave her new low-calorie cat food because you can't say she's just "fluffy" anymore... she was a little ticked that I thought so and also annoyed that I left to go see my new niece on our 1 year anniversary. She got over it though when we discovered her new favorite thing - which is chasing balled up receipts around the house. favorite. game. ever. and extremely entertaining to watch. And since Target keeps me supplied with receipts, she has endless fun chasing bouncy wads of paper around the house and skidding on the fake wood floor.

and while I'm sure she misses her buddy Linus, it seems she's perfectly happy to reign solo as the Queen of 3112 Stanford.

this bag suits me just fine, thanks.


mom, i hate the vet. but i love my fleecy snowman blanket.

my life is so haaaaaaard.

well look at this bowl, perfect for a small kitty such as myself, i think i will curl up in it.

electronics are warm.

are you saying i'm in the way? 

keeping watch & potential intruders at bay. 

mom, this new yellow chair is the bomb.